Now in its twenty-fourth year, the IITD National Training Awards is recognised as the premier Learning & Development event for industry. The purpose of the IITD National Training Awards is to promote excellence, best practice and innovation in Training and Learning & Development, and to highlight the importance of this area in today’s business climate. This demanding area of business is arguably the critical success factor for future growth and competitiveness for many organisations. Therefore, the role of those responsible for delivery and management of training is vital. For this reason it is absolutely right for the Learning & Development profession to have a cross industry national event to recognise, promote and honour excellence, professionalism and outstanding achievement.
Check Out Below on ‘How to Create an Impactful Submission’ for 2022 and the Awards announcements from 2021!
IITD National Training Awards 2022
Best Learning & Development Organisations

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We’ve reviewed this year’s submissions and worked with the judges to agree the best category fit for each application. Based on those discussions, we’ve taken a decision this year to recalibrate some of the categories.
Irish Life
Office of Government Procurement (OGP)
Best Learning & Development Initiatives

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This award will recognise an outstanding and innovative Leadership or Management Development Initiative at any level within an organisation from entry level supervisor through to C-suite/executive level, or may relate to an initiative spanning multiple organisational levels. Note: graduate development programmes are specifically excluded from this category and award applications for graduate programmes should be made to the relevant category.
Electricity Supply Board (ESB)
Intel Ireland Ltd
Irish Life
Primeline Group

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This award will recognise an organisation which is aiming to create a coaching culture or mentoring initiative to improve leadership, performance, engagement or any other strategic or developmental objective.
Green Tech Skillnet
AXA Insurance dac

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We’ve reviewed this year’s submissions and worked with the judges to agree the best category fit for each application. Based on those discussions, we’ve taken a decision this year to recalibrate some of the categories.
Bank of Ireland
HSE Organisation Development & Change, Change and Innovation, Healthcare Strategy
Office of Government Procurement (OGP)
Permanent TSB

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This award will recognise an outstanding and innovative development initiative which is focused on developing a culture of inclusion and ensuring full access to and positive participation in the workplace for all.
Irish Life
National Council for the Blind of Ireland
TSK Academy Ltd
Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA)
KARE. Promoting Inclusion for People with
Intellectual Disabilities

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This award will recognise an outstanding and innovative initiative which includes any type of learning that is facilitated by technology or by instructional practice that makes effective use of technology.
Irish Manufacturing Research
Ingenium Training and Consulting
Tallaght University Hospital
The Insurance Institute of Ireland

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This award will recognise an organisation which is aiming to create a coaching culture or mentoring initiative to improve leadership, performance, engagement or any other strategic or developmental objective.
Dublin City University
Glanbia Ireland
Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIOP)

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This award will be made to a consultancy, agency, or in-company collaboration that has successfully delivered qualitative solutions to a target audience. The submission should clearly demonstrate evidence of good collaboration, understanding and co-operation to achieve a particular goal or business outcome. It should be outputs based and focus on the innovative solutions and quantifiable results achieved.
While the submission should be collaborative and well balanced, one member of the partnership should submit the application and all queries and communications will be directed to them in the first instance. Should the application be shortlisted, any stakeholder representatives may attend the presentation to the judges, within the parameters set out in the judging process.
CU Learning and Development
Glenveagh Properties PLC with Prism Leadership & Change Consulting Ltd
ICOS Skillnet & ICOS, Dairygold & Teagasc
Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIOP) & The Irish Pharmacy Profession
Irish Life & Uppercut
Keelings and the Balbriggan-Swords Adult Education Service
Queen’s University and Thrive Coaching & Development
Teagasc and The Learning Rooms

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This award will recognise an outstanding and innovative Graduate Development Initiative designed to nurture talent in an innovative and effective way. This may relate to a Graduate Development Initiative or Internship at any level within an organisation and at any career stage.
Dublin City University
Bank of Ireland
H&MV Engineering
Special Categories

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To be eligible, you or your team must have participated in the design and delivery of a high- impact learning event that showed innovation in the transfer of learning to employees.
Was your event fun, engaging, innovative and added real value to participants?
Was your design, delivery, and evaluation different and how did it adapt to the virtual environment?
If so, then please complete the application form and tell us all about it.
Background to the Award
Harvest proudly sponsors this award to honour the memory and life’s work of Pearse Walsh.
Pearse founded Harvest over thirty-four years ago. His vision for developing outstanding learning and development experiences, still informs the Harvest strategy today.
The Pearse Walsh Award celebrates and recognises the qualities that Pearse valued when working with clients – a sense of innovation, achievement and fun, in delivering an engaging and practical learning solution.
We are proud that the Pearse Walsh Award is now in its sixteenth year.
The 2022 winner will be in good company as Harvest have supported the achievements of the distinguished winners below:
2021 Vodafone
2020 Musgraves
2019 PM Group
2018 PWC
2017 Bank of Ireland and cut-e
2016 Blizzard Entertainment
2015 Irish Distillers Pernod Ricard
2014 Calor Gas
2013 ICBE with Lake Region Medical
2012 Learning Zone
2011 The Musgrave Group
2010 Irish Distillers Pernod Ricard
2009 Topaz
2008 Ulster Bank
2007 Ernst & Young
ICOS Skillnet, ICOS, Dairygold & Teagasc
Intel Ireland
Primeline Group
Entries to be submitted by 11.59pm, Monday 31st January, 2022
Making an Application
Awards are open to all companies operating in Ireland regardless of size, nationality, turnover or nature of business. Organisations may make submissions in the ‘Best Learning & Development’ Organisation category and/or in one of a number of specific themed categories.
Making an application to the National Training Awards is a two stage process and now online. The first stage is a 2,300 word written submission which should respond to the criteria of the category you are entering.
(Please See the Scoring Scheme for Best L&D Organisation and Best L&D Initiatives)
Scoring Scheme Best L&D Initiatives
Following an assessment of all submissions, a shortlist will be announced.
Shortlisted organisations will be invited to progress to stage two of the process where they will make a presentation to the Judging Panel to discuss their submission in greater detail. This will take place, subject to Covid guidelines, at the Killashee House Hotel.
This is an opportunity for you to build on the initial submission and deepen the judges understanding of your activity. You will be invited to attend with a maximum of 3 representatives and will have 10 minutes to present followed by 15 minutes discussion. You may bring any supporting documentation you wish to this meeting.
The IITD National Training Awards 2022 will be judged by a panel of judges made up of some of Ireland top L&D Professionals working in leading organisations. A full list of our judging panel will be announced shortly.
There is no cost involved in making a submission.
Please ensure to submit your completed 2,300 word submission, to be received no later than 11.59pm on January 31st, 2022.
Key Dates:
Closing date for Application’s January 31st, 2022
Finalists Announced Febuary 25th, 2022
Judging Panel March 28th, 2022
Awards Ceremony April 8th, 2022
Developing your Submission
Set the Context for this initiative – last two years
The Problem
Clearly define the purpose of the initiative and demonstrate its links to organisational need. This should include an outline of the purpose of the initiative, what was driving the initiative (e.g. external and internal factors) and how it related to the organisation’s strategy and goals.
The Solution
What were the needs analysis or research processes that you adopted and the key findings? This should include how you analysed or researched the need for an intervention, involved key stakeholder groups and the findings of the LNA/research.
What were the learning objectives and key deliverables of the initiative? This should include SMART learning objectives and expected deliverables of the initiative (whether or not these were actually delivered).
How were stakeholders actively engaged in the design and delivery of the initiative? This should include who were your key stakeholders and how their various interests were addressed, how they were engaged in the change and how this informed the communications throughout the process.
How was the initiative managed throughout the process?
Responses could include who was responsible for delivering the project, the steps taken to develop a robust delivery plan for the deliverables, effective sponsorship and the procedures put in place to ensure that the plan delivered the desired outcomes.
What range of learning and development options did you consider and implement?
This should include the different learning and development options that you considered, what types of interventions you actually delivered and the rationale for their selection.
What made this initiative innovative?
Include aspects of the learning and development initiative that were new and/or ground breaking for your business, sector, region or context. Demonstrate more than just training by showing a mix of more innovative methods to align, equip capability and sustain learning.
The Results
To what extent were the learning objectives met?
What was contribution of the initiative to performance in the organisation?
What were the learning outcomes and how were they evaluated?
Provide quantitative as well as qualitative measures of the learning outcomes and evidence of how you evaluated these.
How was the success of the initiative monitored and measured?
What could other organisation learn from this initiative? Please also describe any initiatives you have undertaken to share your best practice here.
How was the initiative embedded into the organisation? The key here is to show how the outcomes (or the elements of it so far accomplished) has become the new ‘business as usual’, and the evidence that demonstrates this.
What lessons have been learnt from the initiative? Include here lessons learnt, how this was captured and shared appropriately within the organisation. It is also helpful to show how lessons have been disseminated more widely outside the organisation where appropriate (e.g. with the wider L&D community or interested external stakeholders).
Tips & Guidelines
- Don’t be afraid to sell yourself. The judges are looking for clear examples of how you meet the eligibility criteria – don’t make it hard for them!
- Don’t assume those judging nominations know anything about working in your industry so help them out by making this clear.
- Ensure your nomination is as well written as possible, while nominations won’t be marked down for writing style, a clear, well-expressed nomination form is much easier to read and judge.
- Keep to the word count – anything over may be ignored!
- Triple check you are nominating for the right category. Read the specific criteria carefully, and make sure you can prove that the project meets each of them.
- Demonstrate how your achievements are transferable to other programmes, teams and organisations. Judges like to see the potential for the project to be rolled out across other environments.
- Support your achievements with evidence of impact such as data, statistics or feedback. For instance if the project led to efficiency savings within a department, shout about the facts and figures!
- Highlight what you have done differently. The judges are excited to hear about innovative projects and new approaches, so don’t be afraid to emphasise that you’ve challenged the status quo!
- Ask a colleague to proof-read your nomination form; you will have undoubtedly looked at it over and over again so it may take a fresh pair of eyes to spot any small mistakes or opportunities for enhancements!
- Be confident! We are working against very tight deadlines to that you have as much time as possible to build your submission.
If you are shortlisted, you will have an opportunity to meet the judges for 30 mins to discuss your work further
So start planning for this stage straight away!
- The IITD National Training Awards are open to all companies operating in Ireland regardless of size, nationality, turnover or nature of business.
- All entries must be submitted using the correct category application form. (see Categories for more details)
- Entries will only be accepted through the online submission form up to midnight on Monday, January 31st, 2022. Entries will be not be considered after this date.
- The contents of the entry will be used for judging purposes only.
- There is no limit on the number of entries you may submit. However, you must avoid duplicating a specific initiative across multiple categories, and you may only make one (1) submission in each category..
- Consultants entering on behalf of a client organisation must gain the organisation’s written consent on the category application form. Consultants are advised to clarify the position with respect to intellectual property with their clients in advance of entering the award.
- The name of the entering organisation will always be used as the name referred to in the entry form. Unless a nominated organisation has been stated, in which case the nominated organisation will be the name referred to. This will also apply to Award trophies and certificates, should these be relevant.
- Entrants agree to co-operate fully with the judges and their representatives. As part of the judging process, shortlisted applicants will be required to meet with the judges to discuss their submission on March 28th in Killashee House Hotel., 2022.
- Finalists agree to co-operate with the IITD and our media partner, who may wish to publicise entries and may use footage (photos and video clips) of the Awards dinner as they see appropriate. This will only be done in co-operation with applicants and commercial sensitivity will be respected.
- The IITD takes no responsibility for incidental costs incurred by entrants.
- The decision of the judges is final and no further correspondence will be considered. The judges may or may not elect to present an award in each category. The number of awards presented will be at the discretion of the judges.
- The prize is non-transferable, non-negotiable and no cash alternative will be offered.
- Depending on the volume of entries we may not provide individual feedback.
- Entry submissions will not be returned to participating companies and will be destroyed following the completion of the process.
Alison Egan Director, IT & eLearning, Marino Institute of Education
Angela O’Donovan Manager HR Strategy & OD, Human Resources, UCC
Aoife Cufffe Professional Career & Leadership Coach
Aoife O’Shea Regional Head of Talent Development EMEA, Zurich
Brenda McGuirk Head of Product – Education
Georgina Corscaddan Manager HR Strategy & OD, Human Resources – UCC
John McMackin Assistant Professor in HRM & OB
Judy Murphy Master Coach, OD & Career Consultant
Julie Ryan Head of IMI Tailored Programmes
Kathleen Halligan Organisation Design, Leadership & Exec Dev, Business Coach
Mark Latuske Deputy Director, People & Culture Ulster University
Mary Connaughton Director, CIPD Ireland
Dr Paul Donovan Adjunct Associate Professor, Trinity Business School
Peter Fitzpatrick Head of Human Resources, NSAI
Raquel Hanley Consultant at Clifford Learning & Business Consulting
Rosarii Mannion National Director People & Change, Tusla
T J Byrne Director, The Odd Company
Professor Valerie Pierce Creator of ‘Clear & Critical Thinking’ Training & Coaching Modules